Sunday, March 8, 2009

My day, her day, women's day^^

March 8, 2009...Today is the special day to all the Grand mothers, mothers, sisters, beloveds, wives, friends, teachers...You indeed are men's better halves.
Well, I hv to say that women are the greatest in the world. Women can do almost anything, face adversity and still walk dauntless. Women are strong, beautiful, compassionate much more than word could ever say!!
People who like me is far away from your most important woman, fast dial her number and say something sweet to her! Tell her that "I love you"!!
Today is our day as any other day. Happy Women's Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of women's day before. But, thanks for sharing. Will let my girlfriend know when I see her later. :D

    Happy Women's Day to you too. :D


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